Jumat, 07 Maret 2025

School Bus Hero, Parachuting Kitty, and a Video Rental Store

An Ohio school bus driver, Dorian Pace, 21, is being hailed as a hero for saving 15 students from a school bus that caught fire en route to Monticello Middle School last week.

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Good News

Article Icon 1Ohio Bus Driver Saves 15 Students from Fire 

An Ohio school bus driver, Dorian Pace, is being hailed as a hero for saving 15 students from a school bus that caught fire en route to Monticello Middle School last week.

The fire started behind one of the rear wheels as the bus reached an intersection. The driver quickly evacuated all students to safety before the flames spread. See photos here.

No injuries were reported, and another district vehicle transported the students to school while firefighters contained the blaze.

Superintendent Liz Kirby commended the driver’s swift actions, attributing his preparedness to annual bus evacuation drills. 

Article Icon 1Video Store Keeps Going for Special Customer

When the last video rental store in Pocatello, Idaho, shut down, its owner made an exception for one longtime customer.

David Kraning set up a mini rental section in his new store so Christina Cavanaugh, a 35-year-old with Down syndrome, could continue her daily routine of renting movies.

The store had long made accommodations for Christina, even training new employees to repeat each digit of her phone number at checkout—a small but essential part of her routine.

Cavanaugh, who is mostly nonverbal, had been visiting the store for 15 years, and her mother, Toni, worried about how she would adjust to the closure. Now, thanks to Kraning's gesture, she can continue her ritual.

Article Icon 1Fearless Feline Hits the Slopes

A daring Bengal-mix cat named Thoth recently went on a parachute-skiing adventure in Russia with his owner, Ivan Kuznetsov.

Secured in a harness and sporting a tiny helmet, Thoth remained calm as he soared down the slopes. 

Ivan, an experienced alpine ski instructor and skydiver, ensured his feline companion’s safety by securing him to the speed glider’s safety gear.

Thoth's love for adventure started as a kitten, and he now joins Ivan on hikes, cycling, skiing, and even swimming. Watch the video.

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The Flyover

Pet insurance could help you offset rising veterinary costs

Veterinarians nationwide reported that corporate managers pushed clinics to focus on profit, with vets often paid based on revenue. This encouraged them to see more pets, order more tests, and upsell services, creating a growing burden for uninsured pet owners.

Pet insurance could help you offset some of these rising costs, with some providing up to 90% reimbursement.

View Money's top pet insurance picks to see plans starting at only $10/month.


Amazing News

Three orphaned mountain lion cubs rescued in California after their mom was hit by a car, are recovering nicely at the Oakland Zoo. (Watch Video)

Figure skater Maxim Naumov tearfully honored his parents, who died in the recent D.C. plane crash, with an emotional tribute performance last weekend. (See Photos)

Six-year-old Bo Barnes from Scotland is already an impressive mountain biker, following in the footsteps of his father, professional enduro racer Joe Barnes. (Watch Video)

Thimmamma Marrimanu, a 550-year-old banyan tree in India, has the world's largest canopy, spanning 4.7 acres. Supported by over 1,000 trunks, it resembles a forest and is sacred in Hindu culture. (See Photos)

Eight years after being stolen, Daisy the Labrador was found by an animal welfare charity and reunited with her family in England. (See Reunion)

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The Natural Solution to Better Bladder Control (Drink THIS once a day!) New research has revealed that your body might be missing specific compounds that support healthy bladder function. Even better? Scientists have found that when you combine these vital nutrients in the right way, you can see improvements you never thought possible. Thousands are already experiencing the freedom they thought was lost forever. Isn't it time you joined them? (More)


Life offers few guarantees, but here's one: a Titanic reenactment starring a black kitty as Rose is guaranteed to make your day.

Fun Friday

What's a pirate's favorite letter?

You may think it's R, but his true love is...

Flying together with our sponsor

Rising Vet Costs Could Put a Leash on Your Budget

Veterinary care isn't getting any cheaper. With clinics increasingly focused on revenue, some vets are encouraged to squeeze in more appointments, recommend extra tests, and upsell services. The result? Higher bills and more stress for pet owners. The good news is, pet insurance can help you take the sting out of those bills.

With some policies starting at $10 and reimbursing up to 90%, you can keep your pet healthy without sacrificing your savings.

Check out Money's top pet insurance picks and find one that works for you.


Friday Quote

"As soon as I put on his jacket and harness, he runs to the door purring."

Ivan Kuznetsov, the owner of Thoth, the Bengal mix cat who joins Ivan in parachute-skiing.

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