Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

Welcome to Sony Entertainment Network

Sony Entertainment   Network
  Welcome to Sony Entertainment Network.
Thank you for creating an account. To manage your devices, media, and account information, sign in to your Sony Entertainment Network account using the following link.

We recommend verifying the email address used for your Sign-in ID.

Please click the button below to verify your email address:

Verify Now

By verifying your email address you will be able to:
  • Verify that the email address doesn't belong to someone else.
  • Receive confirmations when funds are added to your wallet and purchases are made.
  • Reset your password if you ever forget it.
  • Easily activate a Sony Home Entertainment device.
  • Receive news, special offers and other information when you're opted-in for Marketing.

If you did not intend to register for a Sony Entertainment Network account, please contact Customer Service using the link provided below.

This e-mail message has been delivered from a send-only address. Please do not reply to this message. For more information about your Sony Entertainment Network Account, please visit the links below.


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